1, Queensway Mutare

The Local authority digital system LADs has transformed the traditional way of service delivery bringing in a new automated smart service delivery.

The new system which is pioneered by City of Mutare couurtesy of Commonwealth Local Government Forum EU funded program.

The European Union Ambassadors came to Mutare to familiarize with the operationalization of the LADs system and were impressed by the transformation which has been brought about by the technology.

The European Union Ambassadors were led by Ambassador Jobst Von Kirchmann who was accompanied by fellow ambassadors, Ambassador Laurent Chevallier, France, Ambassador Udo Volz Germany, Ambassador Asa Perhrson of Sweden, Ambassador Loukas Karatsolis of Greece, Ambassador Margret Vervik of Netherlandas and Mrs Lourdes Chamorro, first counsellor European Union.

The delegation was received by the Mayor for City of Mutare Clr Simon Chabuka and Acting Town Clerk Mr Blessing Kapuya Chafesuka.

In his brief Ambassador Kirchmann congratulated City of Mutare for putting to good use the funds.

He said LADs has transformed the traditional service delivery trajectory indicating that the delegation was happy to be associated with the success story.

In his presentation, Acting Town Clerk Mr Chafesuka said so far 21 modules have been developed.

He added that the LADs system has increased internal controls and increased the local authority’s revenue collection efficiency from 35 percent to 65-70 percent.

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