
Sakubva and Chisamba Stadium Renovations Begin

Two Goals in One.

The City of Mutare has started the renovations of Sakubva Stadium and Chisamba Grounds to ensure that the facilities meet the soccer governing body’s required standards.

The contractor started work on the 1st of July 2023, removing the old Sakubva turf, which is now being transferred to Chisamba Ground.

The workforce is busy removing the lawn from Sakubva Stadium using a sod cutter machine and laying of the same lawn has started earnestly at Chisamba ground.

The scope of work at Chisamba ground will take approximately 3 months and after completion, the facility will be able to host D1 games and below.

For Sakubva after the lawn harvesting process, the contractor will work on the drainage system. The facility is anticipated to be ready for use after 5 to 7 months.

The coming on board of Chisamba ground will reduce the load on Sakubva Stadium.

Slow but sure, One Step, One Day at a time we are moving towards improving Sakubva Stadium to meet CAF standards.

Together, United, We Shall Make the City of Mutare Great Once Again.

Previous Gimboki Primary School Almost Complete

1 Comment

  • mutare
    July 7, 2023

    Good work

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