
Council receive two fire tenders

The City of Mutare has received a donation of two fire tenders from Operation Florian Humanitarian Charity Organisation based in UK.

Last year, City of Mutare received 3 brand new fire tenders from the Government courtesy of the Zimbabwe- Belarus bilateral agreement and with the existing fleet, Council has now 8 fire tenders in total.

Adding to the Operation Florian Humanitarian Charity Organisation donation, Council also received 20 foot container of tools and equipment.

The donated fire tenders have water capacity of 1800 litres.

Council anticipates to decentralise the fire and emergency services in Dangamvura and Chikanga in order to improve the response time to fire and emergency related services.

City of Mutare has made a deliberate decision to recapitalise in order to re-align the wheels of service delivery.

United Together, We Shall Make City of Mutare Great Once Again.

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