
Hobhouse Polyclinic taking shape

The construction of Hobhouse Polyclinic is Progressing well. The structure has now been roofed and the contractor is busy working round the clock to meet the set deadlines.

The health center is expected to bring relief to the Hobhouse community, Mushamukadzi, Natview Park, and other surrounding suburbs who were forced to travel to other health centers.

The Hobhouse Polyclinic will serve a bigger catchment area and will consist of the maternity ward, pharmacy, theatre, and four consultation rooms among other services.

The Polyclinic is being built on a 3.1 Hectares of land, which has been set aside by the Council. The City is committed to bringing Primary Health Care provision to the people and so far the local authority has nine clinics and one Hospital.

The focus is to expand and meet the primary health -care needs of the Mutare Community.

One Step, One Day at a time.

United, Together We Shall Make the City of Mutare Great Once Again

Previous Water Update 8 March 2024

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