

The Zimbabwe Football Association (ZIFA) First Instance Body has inspected Sakubva Stadium to check compliance and suitability of the facility to host Castle Lager Premier Soccer League Matches.

City of Mutare took a bold decision to renovate the facility mid last year following the condemnation of the facility by the soccer governing body.

Council undertook an incremental phased approach to renovate sakubva Stadium, first phase focused on the establishment of a new turf and the reconstruction of the drainage system.

The local authority removed the old turf and installed a new turf on the facility and repaired the drainage system which had also collapsed.

The Second phase, which is already work in progress is focusing on buckets seats, VVIP toilets, Dugouts.

The local authority has taken a phased approach to attend to the areas that requires attention.

There is renewed hope among soccer loving fans and the custodian of the facility that Sakubva Stadium will be approved and cleared for use during this forthcoming soccer season.

The Zimbabwe Footballl Association First Instance Body will make its final determination soon.

United, Together We Shall Make City of Mutare Great Once Again

Previous Water Update 29 February 2024

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