
Department of Housing and Community Services

Department’s Mission

To provide shelter and other social amenities to the residents of Mutare.


The Department of Housing and Community Services is an affordable housing provider involved in land development, housing construction and property management.  Our work contributes to social and economic growth by:

  • Delivering quality housing that people can afford.
  • Providing people with opportunities to prosper through home ownership.
  • Provision of social amenities.
  • Coordination of housing development.
  • Spearheading development of stands with particular emphasis of decent affordable social housing.
  • Social welfare services

Environmental management, parks gardens and cemeteries

We work in close collaboration and partnership with the private, government and none profit making sectors to find new ways to increase the supply of affordable housing and social services in City of Mutare area to meet our short term target of at least achieving 3000 housing stands by 2020 in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The mandate of the Council is to focus on innovation and ensuring value for money in the design, construction and financing of houses to enable all City of Mutare residence to have a place to call.

Mrs Mandiziba2
Mrs E. Mandiziba: Director of Housing and Community Services

Department’s Sections

1. Housing

The section is responsible for the following:

  • Maintaining a house waiting list.
  • Provision of affordable quality houses for low income earners and support community groups that provide the same service.
  • Managing of property cessions.
  • Allocation of stands, high, medium and low density.
I.N. Mushangwe: Assistant Director of Housing and Community Services

2. Community Services

The section is responsible for the following:

  • Identifying vulnerable groups for psychological support and referral system.
  • Provide economic opportunities for low and moderate income residents.
  • Providing opportunities for skills development and create opportunities for people to engage in activities that promote their well-being and social inclusion.
  • Supporting and encouraging community driven revitalization efforts in the education, sports and recreation.
  • Management of markets.

3. Parks      

The section is responsible for formulation and implementation of environmental protection policy which includes tree planting, projects, gully reclamation and monitoring of sponsored woodlots.

  • Responsibilities for the City esthetics through maintenance of parks gardens.
  • Provision of Burial and Cremation services.
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