
Office of the Town Clerk


To be a city of excellent municipal service delivery and prime investment destination by 2030.


The Town Clerks department main function is provide administrative direction to the Council’s affairs and is headed by the Acting Town Clerk Mr K.B. Chafesuka who is the Chief Executive Officer. The department manages and guides Council in accordance with the statutory powers and duties conferred on the Council by statutes and policies laid down by the Government of Zimbabwe and Municipal by-laws.

All Heads of Departments report to the Town Clerk whilst he reports to Council. The Town Clerk is responsible for the proper administration of Council and managing the operations and property of the Council. His responsibilities and duties are provided for in the Urban Council Act, section 136.

Mr K.B. Chafesuka: Acting Town Clerk

Department’s Sections

The department is made up of the following sections:

1. Internal Audit section

Headed by the chief internal Auditor, the sections provide internal audit services to the Council and ensures the reliability, adequacy an integrity of  financial information to the  stakeholders, and also responsible for the following:

  • Providing internal audit services to Council.
  • Ensuring reliability, adequacy and integrity of Council’s finances.
  • Ensuring compliance with all Council Policies, procedures, regulations, especially in terms of financial management.
  • Ensuring that departmental operations are conducted in an economically efficient and effective manner.
  • Ensure accomplishment of established goals and objectives for operations or programs.
  • To safeguard and ensure physical existence of Council assets and minimal losses.

Mr Manjokota
P. Manjokota: Chief Internal Audtor

The section is headed by the Human Resources Manager who reports to the chamber Secretary. The Section is responsible for the following:

  • Formulating and implementing human resources strategy and policy.
  • Salaries and Payroll Administration.
  • Ensuring adherence to Council’s condition of services and code of conduct.
  • Recruiting and retaining skilled, well qualified and experienced staff.
  • Job grading exercise.
  • Ensuring that employees adhere to health, safety and wellness standards.
Mrs Nhongo3
M.Nhongo: HR Manager

Headed by the Corporate Communications and Marketing Officer, the section provides engagement platform to both external and internal stakeholders.

  • Relationship building to cultivate a sense of ownership of the City through educative meetings.
  • To disseminate timely and accurate information about the Local Authority.
  • To create, manage and improve the brand and image of City of Mutare.
  • To market the city of Mutare by establishing network partnerships with various stakeholders e.g. the government of Zimbabwe, non-governmental organizations, business and commerce.
  • Flighting Advertisements in the Press.
  • Investment Promotion
Mr Mutiwi
S Mutiwi: Corporate Communications
External Relations

All operations of the Council are sanctioned by the Urban Council’s Act (Chapter 29:15) of 1995. Other than liaising closely with all the Ministries of Government on various issues affecting its operations the city submits monthly reports to the Ministry of Local Government, which is its parent Ministry.

The city of Mutare has established twinning relationships with various cities throughout the world namely:

  • Tameside Metropolitan Borough; UK
  • City of Haarlem: Netherlands.
  • City of Nelson: Canada.
  • City of Savana (Georgia) U.S.A
  • Manica, Beira and Chimoio: Mozambique
  • City of Portland, Oregan: U.S.A
  • Sapporo: Japan
  • Xinyu; China contracts.

4. Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

The ICT section Headed by the ICT Manager and its responsibilities include:

  • Managing all Mutare City Council ICT Infrastructure.
  • Formulate and maintain the ICT Strategic Plan in line with the City Strategic Plan.
  • Formulate and Maintain ICT Policy, Procedure Manuals and other ICT documentation.
  • Organize in house ICT training for Council employees.
  • Facilitate and ensure business continuity for Mutare City Council.
  • Enforce the use of technology in cost cutting measures as well as ensuring efficiency in revenue collection.
  • Integration of Mutare City Council  office via wide area network.
ICT Manager Mrs Shumba
E Shumba: ICT Manager

The Procurement Unit (PMU) was established in 2017 and is headed by the Town Clerk in line with Section 17 of the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets (PPDPA) Act.

It consists of PMU and Evaluation committee in a plea to achieve the objective of the (PPDPA) Act

Functions of the PMU includes:

  • Planning the procurement activities.
  • Selecting the appropriate procurement methods
  • Procure of all Council requirements
  • Managing procurement contracts.
t ndlovu . procurement manager(1)
T.Ndlovu: Procurement Manager

6. Business Development and Strategy Unit

The Business Development and Strategy Unit (SDBA) is headed by the Town Clerk. The main function is to build, promote and nurture sustainable smart partnership that maximise value to council.

Functions of the BDSU:

  • Investment promotion.
  • Research and development.
  • Developing and implementing monitoring and evaluation plans, policies, systems, strategies and procedures in line with the City’s Strategic Plan, Council Resolutions and other guidelines.
  • Business Development of internal and potential business units.
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